I used to want to be a surgeon or a psychologist. I always thought my hands were “special”. Maybe because I am double jointed, or because my mom thought I should pursue hand modeling. There was never really a moment that made me decide to be a designer. I just knew it felt good to create. 
Art was always a constant in my life—a form of expression when I couldn’t find the words, and when the words would not suffice. To an extent, it became my identity and outlet. 
I considered several mediums throughout my life, but when I learned to sew, I never stopped. There is something so powerful in expression with a medium of such utility.
I value detail and quality. Embroidery is one of my preferred forms of art. It requires patience, intention, and precision. I often develop concepts based off internal thoughts, feelings, and observations. There is a piece of me in all my designs.
I currently reside in New York City as an Instructor at The Ashcan Studio of Art, where I teach children and young adults garment and patternmaking, fashion illustration, portfolio preparation, and more. I take frequent trips to my hometown Miami, Florida, and am available for commission in various mediums.
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